PETRA takes pleasure in having been a step-ahead with our recognitions and accreditation.
We can provide assistance to the selected candidates in the attestation of documents which includes birth certificate, education certificate, marriage certificate from Saudi Cultural Mission in Amman-Jordan and other formalities as required for the deployment of the selected personnel.
We can provide assistance to the selected candidates in the attestation of documents which includes birth certificate, education certificate, marriage certificate from Saudi Cultural Mission in Aman-Jordan and other formalities as required for the deployment of the selected personnel.
Certificate Attestation will arrange from MOFA (Ministry Of Foreign Affairs), MOHE (Ministry Of Higher Education), MOL (Ministry Of Labor) / AND SAUDI EMBASSY & CULTURAL
We are constantly in touch with the applicant until he/she get placed to the client's company. We assist selected candidates in obtaining passport; extend passport validity, visas and immigration clearance. We brief the selected personnel about the customs, traditions and laws followed by the Middle East. We assist candidates with the flight booking, date of arrival, flight number and time to void any inconvenience for our clients as well as candidates.